Thursday, June 24, 2010

by the way

Every now and then, nature manifests itself as if to remind us that some of the best things in life are still free. It's just so bad that man often forgets to take time to commune with nature. He's being too busy being an adult, unmindful of the beautiful things around him. How many times does Mr. Busy Man affords himself an hour by the sea looking at the sunset? Not many...

I've always loved nature but sadly, I work all the time.. 12 hours a day; 6 days a week. But I never missed looking

at beautiful sunsets.

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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

paid to write!

Earning money online is easy IF you know where to look but the thing is, you need to be receptive to what others are telling you.  When I say receptive, meaning you are open and responsive to the ideas & suggestions that will come to you through research and by listening to your more UPDATED friends.

Just two days ago, I received an email from a friend, asking me if I'm interested to write articles on how to burn body fat.  I told her I don't know anything about that subject.  Oh, is that a problem? she asked. You have an internet do a research on that subject!  And I did.  I spent hours researching and to my amazement, I was able to write two articles on that same subject!  and got paid for it.  Now, how about that...And I got updated

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Saturday, June 19, 2010

earning money online: another option

Hello again.

As I've mentioned in my last post, I've been doing some research on how to earn money from blogging. But I must admit that I'm still just scratching the surface and I want to keep on this post what I've learned so far. This way it won't be lost. Also, I want to share this with you.

Yesterday, I signed up for Extra Options. In one of my favorite paid-to-click sites was this ad which offered a free report. I was intrigued . As it was the subject that I was looking for, I quickly signed up and in a minute, I was already reading it.

Extra Options: The Zero Cost System To Unlimited Profits by Branislav Bodulic is a simply written and easy to understand guide. It's a 16-paged gift from the author. It's absolutely free! He could have easily sold it but he opted to just give it free of charge. You may wonder what's in there for him. Well, on this report are links, about 15 or so. These links are also very helpful, some are free, some for sale. But they're there for you to click and decide upon. But don't hesitate to click on those links. You have nothing to lose by being curious, but something to gain. You will know better after than before you do.

It's a good idea to have your 16 pages guide printed. As I have told you, it's a good read but because of the many relevant topics covered, we can't just read it once. We have to read it again as the need arises. So having it printed makes it easier and convenient for you.

Here's just some of the benefits of Extra Options:

1. It's absolutely FREE
2. You don't even need a website to use this system
3. It's simple and easy to understand
4. The Free Report will also teach you five cool tricks to generate referrals & increase your income at your own will.
5. Using this system, you will lock for yourself a steady stream of long term profits.
6. All you have to do is refer people to this Free Report. And the system takes care of the rest.
7. You can get started right away, in a matter of minutes.

So you could check it out, just click the link below for easy access to the Extra Option free report. You would surely find it helpful.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

blogging mistakes



What would you do when you click on a site but will have to wait minutes until it finally loads? The first time I experienced this, I waited patiently. It took almost five minutes to finish. Really! But I waited because my boss told me to get the contact numbers of that company who owns the website.  But what if you were just surfing, hoping to find something unusual or interesting? Would you wait? No, I don't think so.

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blogging mistakes

Most of my friends have blogs. I have blogs. Seems like everybody's doing it and  for different reasons. If my purpose for creating and managing a blog is just to have an outlet for pent-up emotions or just so I could put into words what I saw and experienced, one blog is enough.  But if I want to earn  from it, is one enough?

This question had me thinking.  You see, I thought that having several blogs, each with google ads, would earn me more than just having one.  Wrong! It just does't work that way. Why?  Well, let me share with you what I've learned along the way.

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